The Blesbok is the smallest and most colorful member of the tribe, Alcelaphini. This tribe, including Hartebeests and Wildebeests, are nomadic or migratory grazers that formerly ranged in huge herds over grasslands in many areas of Africa. They are mainly large and conspicuous, with long, narrowed faces; their long legs and overdeveloped forequarters are adapted for loping long distances during migration. Both sexes have horns that look much alike, although adult males are 10 to 20 percent heavier than females. The Blesbok are unlike all other antelopes (except some Wildebeest) in having follower young that never hide. Blesbok are plum or purplish brown, shading to light tan on back, with pure white facial blaze, underparts, and lower legs. The pure white Blesbok in this image gallery are albino.